4 How did you use media technologies in the construction and research,
planning and evaluation stages?
The use of various media technologies was essential, as it is a
large part of our modern world we used a variety of technologies. Blogger was
used a lot since it was the main platform where work was posted and reviewed.
The auction site E-Bay was used to purchase the drum kit that
we used so that we looked like a real band since we found inconsistencies with
other amateur music videos such as using a bongo when emulating the sound of a
full drum kit, we wanted the Verisimilitude to be as accurate as possible to
contrast the unusual narrative,
I first looked at all the categories of people on UK tribes and
took some from each section of which I thought would appreciate the same genre
as our fictional band. I then condensed the target audience into just one
‘tribe’ I thought the ‘Scensters Tribe’ would be the embodiment of my
audience and it would be the one to target
Dafont was used to create a more original and specific motif
for my text since the pre-installed fonts lacked the flavor I wanted, I also
learned how o make GIF’s for our blog to add flavor.
Camera: A Canon 100D with a Helios 44m-2 58mm lens constructed in
Soviet Russia was used for all our filming we liked the shallow depth of field,
and it was the closes lens we could fined that would emulate the 50 mm ‘lens’
of a human eye making it more natural, However for our preliminary we used a
Panasonic hcv500, we uploaded these to YouTube so they could be viewed and
I also used the Mac office word and PowerPoint (yet also used
Microsoft at home) to insert and type up most of my research and also to
clearly see the article I wrote before I split it up and formed it on to my
double page, I also typed most of my blog posts into these programs
before posting to ensure all spelling was checked, I then used scribd to insert
the word documents on to my blog by uploaded them onto my blogger by embedding
them to a post. Animoto was used to create videos on my blog such as
my pitch about our video which coincided with the uses of Google forms to get
feedback about my magazine from my audience. For transport I used Drop Box and
the Drive to allow photos to be used on any computer (I also used a USB), for
some of my evaluations I used Prezie and the voice recorder on my Samsung j5
Photoshop: this was essential for the creation and was
installed on the college Mac. I used this to create the majority of my media
product. I learnt a lot about Photoshop in GCSE Media, learning about
editing and manipulating images to suite what I wanted, this was a great
skill for this year and throughout the course I developed theses skills
even more. The poster/advert and digipak were created using Photoshop CS6 and
CC2017 (a trial I used at home), most of my work where consistent of many
many layers which all come together to form one piece, I also used this to
create lyrics sheets
To improve group synergy and communication we used a group
email and a Facebook group chat so no one was kept out the loop, we also used
Twitter another social media to create a fake account for the band where we
posted updates about the video

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