are still top of the Tribal map and care constantly creating new content
DIYers are creative, tech savvy self-starters that bring culture to life for Tribes today – they produce music, promote club nights, start indie brands and create festival stages. Many are also Creatives, but DIYers are set apart by their aspirations to ‘make it’, create events and actively influence culture in their area. DIYers used to be focused more in London, but in 2015 all major cities have a strong DIY scene.
Young Alts:
The Tribe who ‘want out’ of the Mainstream – an experimental Tribe trying anything and everything Alternative from Grunge to Hardcore,Young Alts are a long standing youth
Hardcores have a serious affinity with a screaming genre of punk and the straight edge scene – wearing their distinctive tribal tats and turn-up look with pride.
The Hardcore joined the Tribes in 2012 in a flurry of slam dancing, and Straight Edge ethics; with X’s drawn on their tattoo-adorned hands. Today the Hardcore remain (especially in the west), but their Hipster-esque look (skinnies, band Ts) means they have come under similar threat from Aspirant adoption.
Replacing the recently demoted Hipsters – the scenesters encapsulate everything that Hipsterdom has failed to in recent years.Setting themselves apart by creating new trends by co-opting fashion and music from accross the Tribal map and blending it with their own individual attitudes. Ever difficult to pin down, they move at lightning speed through youth culture – moving onto whats ‘next’ before it has a chance to become ‘now’.

The list above highlights the possible target market, based on UK tribes, since they would most likely listen to similar general as what we are doing compared to tribes like the 'Chav' these 4 would be our market .
Our target audience would consist of both males and females between the ages of 16 and 24; youth is a pprominent aspect of our music video and so a young audience would be able to relate more to it. Our audience would be more interested in the smaller, upcoming bands that the alternative scene has to offer and they would be on the lookout for the latest gigs: independent venues take precedence over larger ones. There is not a set style for our audience because that would defeat the purpose of individuality. They do, however, avoid mainstream style choices.
To conduct our market research, we used the 'UK Tribes' website in order to pinpoint our desired audience. We had already decided that we wanted our target audience to be alternative and leading edge and so it was appropriate to choose particular tribes under these headings. Ultimately, it was apparent that the Young Alt, Scenester creatives and hardness and possibly hipsters tribes fitted our desired audience most: both tribes are regarded as having alternative tastes, as well as setting new trends. Since our music video is featuring a niche song, it is likely that our audience would fit into these tribes because they avoid the mainstream.

To conclude, based on the research done on UK Tribes our 'listeners' would be from the Scenesters since they are the tribe I think would most appreciate the video and DigiPak yet the others mentioned would also listen I feel I am not directly targeting those groups.

Bands that our audience would be likely to listen to: (hyperlinked)
